Health benefits of drinking loose leaf tea

1 cup of tea contains 7 Nutritional Contents as following:

1. Polyphenols: cause the taste of tea. These substances play the First important part of Antioxidants in the benefits of tea as Phytochemicals. The most important components in Polyphenols family are Catechins which include EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) and EGC (epigallocatechin) and have strong effects for many “Anti” functions such as anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-oxidant, anti-hypertensive, anti-cholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-cariogenic etc. The most Catechins are in Green tea but they’re also in other teas;

2. Flavonoids: cause the color of tea. These are second in importance as health benefits in tea as Plant Pigment. The most important are Flavonols, Theaflavis and Thearubigens which have effects against infection and maintaining capillary walls in human circulatory system. Flavonoids are most found in Black tea but are also in other teas;

3. Theanine: has the third importance for health benefits of tea inasmuch as it is an aminoacid which has tranquilizing anti-stress effect on the brain ;

4. Vitamins: Caroten (precursor to Vit. A), B (B1, B2, B6, Niacin, Folic acid and Pantothenic acid etc.), C (Ascorbic acid);

5. Minerals: rich of Manganese (Mn) and Potassium (K);

6. Water;

7. Trimethyl-xanthines (Caffeine) and other Methylxanthines (Theophylline mainly):

Theophylline is a medicine used for bronchodilation and asthma before. It is believed that the Polyphenols slow down the effective rate of Methylxanthines (Caffeine and Theophylline) absorption in tea.

Important! It may double the health benefits to know what kind of tea you should drink and how to make tea.

1. Different types of Tea may have different benefits (according to the modern study and Traditional Chinese Medicine):

More and more research and studies on teas have been done in the US and all over the world. Almost all are positive and safe! These include:

  • Antioxidants to remove free radicals in human body, — (Better to drink Green, Jasmine tea)

  • Reducing the risk of heart diseases, — (Better to drink Black, Pu’er tea)

  • Reducing the risk of stroke, — (Better to drink Green, Pu’er tea)

  • Reducing the risk of blood clot, — (Better to drink Pu’er, Jasmine tea)

  • Reducing bad cholesterol in the blood, — (Better to drink Pu’er, Tuocha tea)

  • Reducing high blood pressure, — (Better to drink Jasmine tea)

  • Reducing blood sugar, — (Better to drink Green, Jasmine tea)

  • Reducing harmful effects from cigarettes smoking, — (Better to drink Green, Jasmine and Longjing tea)

  • Reducing arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, — (Better to drink Black, Pu’er tea)

  • Preventing osteoporosis, — (Better to drink Black, Pu’er tea)

  • Preventing allergies, colds and flu, — (Better to drink Green, Jasmine tea)

  • Keeping fluid balance, — (Better to drink Green, Pu’er and Jasmine tea)

  • Relieve fatigue, — (Better to drink Black, Pu’er and Ginseng tea)

  • Awakening thought, — (Better to drink Black, Ginseng tea)

  • Boosting your immune system, — (Better to drink Jasmine and Ginseng tea)

  • Aiding in cancer prevention and reducing tumor growth, — (Better to drink Green, Jasmine and Ginseng tea)

  • Providing oral care and natural fluoride – helps prevent cavities and tooth decay, — (Better to drink Green, Jasmine tea)

  • Supporting liver protection, — (Better to drink Pu’er, Jasmine and Ginseng tea)

  • Stress-relief, — (Better to drink Black, Pu’er and Ginseng tea)

  • Aiding weight loss – speeds up the metabolism, burning fat and calories, — (Better to drink Pu’er and Jasmine tea)

  • EGCG from tea has been reported to block the spread of HIV (AIDS virus)

Although, some research results about tea health benefits are new and need further study to verify, its most positive health benefits are great enough for you to make a healthy decision for tea-drink over any other daily drink.

And it is safe! People all over the world drink green, black, white, pu’er (pu-erh), woolong (oolong) and jasmine tea for several thousands of years already! Drinking tea may change your whole life towards greater health and longevity!

2. What is the best kind of tea for Health Benefits?

You will find useful knowledge for each kind of loose teas: green, black, pu-er, oolong (woolong), flower (jasmine), white and herbal tea throughout our website.

All research and studies done so far are based on brewed loose tea (green, white, black, pu’er and woolong tea). It’s likely that instant powdered, bottled, decaffeinated, herbal teas (if no adding regular loose tea), regular teabags, tea extracts or tea pills have fewer or non of the antioxidant properties of loose teas.

Loose teas are better than teabags, why?

Please note that: Loose teas use the whole leaf while the teabags usually use the cut, ground or “dust” leaf. This makes regular teabags produce fewer Antioxidants and more Caffeine than loose teas. Another important factor which you may consider is bleach residue, a chemical, which remains on the teabags.

Tea is not like other fresh foods. You BREW but not COOK tea. You would take more caffeine and less Antioxidants if you cook or brew tea too long.

3. How to Make the Best Tea Drink for Benefits – less caffeine and more antioxidants?

You may increase the amount of Antioxidants and decrease caffeine by making tea in correct way!

Follow these steps to make a cup of good tea:

  1. Select loose leaf tea to make tea rather than regular tea bags, instant tea or decaffeinated tea. Add boiling water to rinse for a second and throw water away;

  2. Use the best water to make best tea, the best water is spring or natural artesian water, but NOT purified water. Use boiled fresh water to brew loose tea for 2-3 minutes, a little longer for loose tea block (3-5 minutes); Drink light tea all the time. Add some hot water any time if you find the tea too strong for you.

  3. If you are afraid of caffeine, throw away first cup of tea. 2nd and 3rd cups of tea are always the best;

  4. You may add boiling water again and again for 2-4 times, but add just enough water for one cup each time. Do not add 2-4 cups of water once or brewed for a long time before drinking. Never drink tea infused over night.

  5. It’s better to take green, jasmine or woo-long tea after eating because these teas may irritate your empty stomach.

  6. You may add honey into tea if you don’t like the bitter taste of green tea. You may add milk into black or pu’er tea but NOT to green or woolong tea.

Disclaimer: The health benefits of tea mentioned on our website are for your information only. We do not recommend the use of tea as a substitute for medical care which you should ask your doctor.


  • Green tea has more health benefits according to studies so far but tastes somewhat bitter, while Black and pu’er teas are more tasty to most people.

  • Always drink light tea is suggested. Drinking too strong tea, especially when you are hungry, may cause temporary nausea or dizziness.

  • If you don’t like the taste of green tea but like its benefits, consider the combination of 2 kinds of teas, e.g. Green-Black tea, green-pu’er tea etc.

  • Quality green and oolong loose tea can be re-infused up to 3 times while quality black and pu’er loose tea can be re-infused up to 5 times.

  • How many cups of tea do you need to drink daily for the benefits? For a precise answer, there is not enough research information yet. For most people, this is not a concern because almost everyone can add several cups of tea a day without negative effects. Drinking 4-6 cups of green or black tea a day can potentially reduce the risk of cancer and heart diseases. (source: American Dietary Association’s position on tea)

  • Taste of different kinds of teas is from the Polyphenols.

  • Decaffeinated tea has less Polyphenols but has almost as high Flavonoids as regular tea. (source: That means you may get most of the main benefits from decaffeinated black but not green tea since green tea contains Polyphenols while black tea mainly contains Flavonoids.

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